On March 16, 2012, I wrote a blog post for http://transitofvenus.nl outlining a simple proposal: If you translate a set of phrases describing the visibility of the transit of Venus, then I will make a map for your language. Below are translated maps of the 2012 transit of Venus for dozens of languages.
These maps can be freely used for astronomy web sites, social media, newspapers, and broadcast media. These maps are provided for educational purposes and there are no copyright restrictions on any of these maps. If you wish to add a credit, please cite “Michael Zeiler, eclipse-maps.com” plus the translator of the respective map. The translators’ names are given in the detail maps.
If your language is not provided, you can help add a new map by following the simple instructions at http://transitofvenus.nl/wp/2012/03/16/a-transit-map-for-your-language/
You can view more maps of the transit of Venus at http://eclipse-maps.com/Eclipse-Maps/Transits.html and http://eclipse-maps.com/Eclipse-Maps/Gallery/Pages/Transits_of_Venus,_1631_to_2125.html.
You can find circumstances for the transit of Venus at http://www.imcce.fr/fr/ephemerides/phenomenes/passages/html_passage/VenusP2012.php and http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/transit12.html
If you wish to find local contact times, visit http://transitofvenus.nl/wp/where-when/local-transit-times/